Accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 are 4 common metrics in classification evaluation.
- True Negative (TN): case was negative and predicted negative
- True Positive (TP): case was positive and predicted positive
- False Negative (FN): case was positive but predicted negative
- False Positive (FP): case was negative but predicted positive
Predicted Negative | Predicted Positive | |
Negative Cases | TN | FP |
Positive Cases | FN | TP |
The percentage of successful prediction
How many seleted items are relevant
How many relevant items are selected
Harmonic score
Sometimes precision and recall is contradictory. For example, if we only found 1 case which is correctly predicted, the precision is 100% while the recall is probably running extremely low.
Therefore, we might use Harmonic score, for merging multiple measures.
F1 score
F_1 = \frac2{\frac1{recall} + \frac1{precision}} = 2 * \frac{precision ∗ recall}{precision + recall}
f\in(0, 1]x, y\in [0, 1]$$. Either x or y increase, f increase.
How Are Precision and Recall Calculated?. Retrieved from